[Openchrome-users] X sloooow when using openchrome

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Tue Mar 25 14:15:55 PDT 2008

daz wrote:

> I turned to openchrome. The driver loads however, the response of the 
> system is painfully slow when using openchrome. Raising window focus 
> takes about 2 seconds and the mouse speed and window drag is very very 
> slow. If I disable composite in xfce's System->WindowTweaks then it is 
> better but I dont understand why the vesa driver works fine with 
> compositing and is MUCH faster then the openchrome driver.
(**) CHROME(0): Option "VBEModes" "true"
(**) CHROME(0): Option "DisableIRQ" "true"
(**) CHROME(0): Option "NoAGPFor2D" "true"

Why are you enabling VBEModes ?
Why are you disabling IRQ ?
Why are you disabling part of AGP ?
You should not need to play with the default driver options. In your 
case, only the EXA related option need to be modified.

Read the following page to understand how to enable EXA and get better 
performance with a compositing manager :


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