[Openchrome-users] black screen when using multiple screens

Paulo Zanoni przanoni
Wed May 14 10:59:53 PDT 2008

2008/5/13 Xavier Bachelot <xavier at bachelot.org>:
> I don't think this problem was known, and actually I don't think anyone
> tried that yet. Could you please send the full xorg log and conf ?

Another thing that I forgot to mention is that when I start the
multi-screen X server, X keeps consuming 99% CPU for some time!

The logs and xorg.conf are attached.

There are some odd messages on the log added by me because I was
debugging some other stuff (a problem related with this video card,
but not the one I explained).

Also, I if you want me to put ErrorFs on the code or debug something,
I'm willing to help!


Paulo R. Zanoni
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