[Openchrome-users] External Monitor / Projector

wj313 userforum
Fri May 16 05:58:51 PDT 2008

External Monitor / Projector
Hi forum,

 I'm using the openchrome driver (svn rev. 426) and have some trouble to setup an external monitor / projector at this particular notebook.

 Regardless of how I configure xorg.conf manually, the I can't figure out how to configure the device to let the external monitor have a different resolution as the main panel of the notebook.

 How does a common xorg.conf looks like to setup the external monitor (at a different resolution)?

 Remark: I have to use "Option "ForcePanel" "on" " to get a correct graphic output in first place.

 lspci shows:
1106:3371 (rev 01)

Kind regards,

/// wj


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