[Openchrome-users] Chrome9 Drivers

Daniel L McGrew momix
Sun May 25 12:47:02 PDT 2008

I have a P4MV900M-T motherboard. It has Chrome9 hardware built into it. I 
haven't been able to find a driver that will work for it yet. 
Do you know who is working on the driver???
I am able to program a little... in VB, Java, and a one or two others... I 
would like to help...
			Most Sincerely, 

Daniel L. McGrew, AAS, BIT, MIT ?
USAFRes Retired \ 30% Disabled Vet ? 
181 Lakeway Drive
Saint Matthews, SC 29135
Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, 
never boastful ?or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. 
Love does not demand its own ?way. It is not irritable or 
touchy. It does not hold grudges and will ?hardly even 
notice when other do it wrong. It is never glad about ?
injustice, but rejoiced whenever truth wins out. If you 
love someone you ?will be loyal to him no matter what the 
cost. You will always believe in ?him, always expect the 
best of him, and always stand your ground in ?defending him. All the special 
gifts and powers from God will someday 
?come to an end, but love goes on forever. There are 
three things that ?remain-----faith, hope, and love-----
and the greatest of these is LOVE. ?
1 Corinthians 13:4 - 8, 13 
The greatest ........ is LOVE. ?

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