[Openchrome-users] Openchrome version bump in Gentoo' s official portage tree

Peter Volkov pva
Wed Sep 3 15:12:04 PDT 2008

? ???, 03/09/2008 ? 20:42 +0200, Xavier Bachelot ?????:
> Gidea Liviu wrote:
> > Xavier, would you contact the packager of the openchrome driver for
> Gentoo regarding this bug:
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=235435
> > I'm thinking that maybe he doesn't know that a newer version is released.
> >
> Hmm, well, I've no better way than you do to contact the gentoo
> maintainer(s). After a quick look on the gentoo site, it looks like you
> should mail the people on this page :
> http://sources.gentoo.org/viewcvs.py/gentoo-x86/x11-drivers/xf86-video-openchrome/ChangeLog?view=markup
> But I would assume the maintainer should already have received the bug
> report from gentoo's bugzilla.

Hello, Xavier and Gidea.

Please, don't mail people mentioned in ChangeLog. Most of them are not
maintainers of the package but are parts of arch teams which maintain
*architectures* which generally means handle stabilization or keyword
bugs and they don't bump packages. Maintainers are listed in
metadata.xml. Currently there is not dedicated maintainer for this
package and all bug reports go to x11 at gentoo.org alias - to people who
maintain x11 applications. Normally they handle bugs rather fast but in
this exact case I suppose the reason for delay is the absence of
hardware to test the driver.

That's said, I have via hardware unfortunately 1.5 week ago power supply
became broken on that computer so I had no possibility to test and bump
new release. The good news are that I've got new power supply today so
if nobody fixes that bug earlier I'll fix it on this week.

With best regards,

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