[Openchrome-users] VGA to RGB Scart

Paul Gardiner lists
Thu Sep 18 15:41:22 PDT 2008

Marcus Priesch wrote:
> i have a nvidia (Geforce 6200) with passive cooling - i assume it could
> do PAL interlaced on the RGB out ... but i havent tried it by now ... 
> as nvidia also has xvmc, i assume it can do hw mpeg decoding also - it
> has s-video and composite out too - and is about 40 euros here in
> austria ... 
> however power consumption - and heat dissipation - and space rises with
> this ... 

Actually, I think that's the way I want to go. I want the best image
quality I can get. Small and silent is nice, but not as important as
the image quality.  I can get a 6200 here easily enough. How likely
do you think it is it can decode mpeg to the TV output without
processing the interlace? Isn't X windows going to get in the way
of that? And how is nVidia for Linux drivers? I can't remember
which out of ATI and nVidia do opensource (or is it neither)?


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