[Openchrome-users] [openChrome] #298: Switching users in Ubuntu 9.04 distorts graphics

OpenChrome Trac trac
Wed Apr 29 11:54:42 PDT 2009

#298: Switching users in Ubuntu 9.04 distorts graphics
Reporter:  ricardopozas  |       Owner:  openchrome
    Type:  defect        |      Status:  new       
Priority:  major         |   Component:  xdriver   
 Version:                |    Keywords:            
Blocking:                |   Blockedby:            
 I'm just going to copy and paste my launchpad report. Please let me know
 what else you need from me.


 Binary package hint: xserver-xorg-video-openchrome

 I'm on Ubuntu 9.04, running xserver-xorg-video-openchrome version

 My computer uses a Biostar P4M90-M4 motherboard, and my graphics card is a
 VIA Chrome 9 HC.

 I log in, browse a while, go to the kitchen to get a snack, and come back
 to find that my wife has switched to her user account. I mumble under my
 breath for a while until she leaves. When I log back into my account (and
 it doesn't appear to matter if I log her out or just switch users) my
 screen is striated vertically. These lines aren't like video noise, moving
 left and right - they are just there, completely still, distorting the

 I log back into her account, and her display is pristine. THEN, I try
 logging into my son's account, and his display is also perfect. OK,
 fine... I log out of his account and go back to my wife's... and now hers
 is also striated. So, it appears that only the last user to log in has
 full graphics functionality with openchrome.

 I reported something similar with this card several distributions ago when
 the vesa driver was the best I could get, Bug #117638
 ati/+bug/117638]. In that case, however, it was crucial that different
 users had different screen resolutions. My wife, son and I now all have
 the exact same resolution. Also, the striation appears on the login splash
 screen after a few logins and logouts, which was not the case before.

 Please let me know if there is any further information I can give here. I
 thank you, as always, for all of the good work that you do.

Ticket URL: <http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/298>
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