[Openchrome-users] VIA CX700M HDMI 720P Output Fail

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Thu Apr 30 02:31:58 PDT 2009

Dan Kingdon wrote:
> Hi,
> Running a brand new Jetway J7F5M-VHE motherboard with HDMI output, 
> Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop, bundled openchrome drivers.
> Ultimate goal is to get full 1280x720 via 720P HDMI to a plasma TV.
> At present its not having any of it and I am strugling to find any info 
> on anyone who has.
> With mother board set at "CRT+HDMI" and default xorg.conf I get a 
> perfect picture on the CRT and a picture on the HDMI which is clearly 
> not in a proper mode, no matter what the resolution. Colour appears to 
> match the desktop but is flickering and out of sync.
> With the mother board set at "HDMI" we get the same garbled mode on the TV.
> Switching to openchrome drivers, we can get a picture on the HDMI cable 
> but it is running at a fixed res and any resolution set in xorg.conf 
> merely underscans and is cropped.
> Adding any of these options does not seem to effect things.
> Option "TVOutput" "720P"
> Option "TVType" "Composite" or Option "TVType" "SC" or Option "TVType" 
> "HDMI"
> Adding Option "ActiveDisplay" "TV" casues X to fail to load and sticks 
> at flashing cursor.
> Adding Option "VBEModes" Also causes X to hang at flashing cursor.
> 1. Does anyone have HDMI output working on this chipset? If so do they 
> have a working xorg.conf file that I can check out.
> 2. Has anybody had better luck on other linux distro's? Fedora seems to 
> be the manufacturers favourite.
> 3. Any help very much appreciated. (if all else fails then we shall have 
> to use windows :( )
> Thanks for reading.
> *Daniel Kingdon*
> IT Technician
> Hanham High School
you need svn trunk for native DVI support.
You don't want to use Option "VBEModes". You want to use Option 
"ActiveDevice" "DFP". You may need to provide a modeline and 
VertRefresh/HorizSync for your TV. The BIOS setup shouldn't matter, 
except at boot time when the openchrome driver has not taken control.

I, as the Fedora package maintainer, try to keep the packages fairly 
current. F-10 is almost at trunk level and have support for the CX700 
TMDS encoder. Anyway, you can probably get Ubuntu to work, but you'll 
need to build the driver from trunk on your own.


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