[Openchrome-users] New openchrome documentation

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Mon Feb 9 15:20:00 PST 2009

Thomas Steffen wrote:
> Hi Xavier
> Yes, that is quite an improvement. Admittedly the driver situation for
> the VIA cards is a bit complex, which can be quite confusing.
> Personally I would restructure the page about different drivers
> http://www.openchrome.org/trac/wiki/About so that it focuses on two
> drivers: the closed source drivers from VIA, and the openchrome
> driver. Those are the two that matter, and everything else can be
> treated as a footnote. 
I'm not sure I agree on which are the most important drivers, but anyway
the point of this page is to draw a general but yet complete picture.
This is only a few lines for each of the drivers. The remaining of the
doc is about OpenChrome, that's plenty of space for the driver that is
of most interest to us.

> BTW, I was never able to find the "open source"
> via driver. And when I follow the link from the wiki, I end up on a
> Chinese page with all weird characters (404?).
Typo fixed, thanks.

> Oh, and talking from the user perspective, the vesa driver should also
> be listed as an option.
The vesa driver is not dedicated at driving unichrome based hardware,
but I take the point.

> I would also like to see some information on AMD64. With typical
> systems coming with 4 GB of RAM, the move to AMD64 is about to happen.
> As far as I understand, the VIA driver does not support AMD64, while
> all open source drivers work reasonably well.
By AMD64, you mean any the x86_64 architecture, right ? This should be
properly supported in OpenChrome (no idea about any of the other
drivers). What is not properly supported yet is 32 bits userspace over a
64 bits kernel, but it's not a very usual configuration.


PS: I'm stripping out openchrome-devel from the distribution list, I
should have set the reply-to: in the first place...

> Regards,
> Thomas
> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Xavier Bachelot <xavier at bachelot.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The old wiki was not in a very good shape and a also a bit slow, to say
>> the less, so I tried to make it better. The new entry point for the
>> documentation is now there : http://www.openchrome.org/trac/wiki/TOC
>> The old documentation is still temporarily available at the old place
>> for reference : http://wiki.openchrome.org
>> Hopefully, I didn't loose anything in the move, but now is a good time
>> to double check ;-)
>> I've also modified the homepage to reflect the change.
>> Comments welcome.
>> Regards,
>> Xavier
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