[Openchrome-users] PAL modes and vx800

Anders Gunnarsson d00guan
Sun Feb 15 09:24:10 PST 2009

fredag 06 februari 2009 11:02:43 skrev Marcus Priesch:
> Hi guys (&dolls ;),

Hi Marcus! Thanks for your answer!

> so the "X-on-TV" thing is quite alive :) - thats funny, i once did this
> with a simple circuit and a ET4000 card - if anyone can remember such a
> thing ... ;)) - you can find the info on
> 	http://marcus.priesch.priv.at/Linux/XonTV_micro-HOWTO
> if it concerns ... ;)

Cool! X on tv from an et4000. I had one of those like 13 years ago, but no 
real need to connect it to a tv. I wonder why :-) Great card at the time 
> well, i would definitely be interested in a project to connect my cle266
> on the plain old PAL analog sony TV but afaik there is no interlaced
> support at all ...
> but maybe this is not a hardware limitation ?!?!
The vx800 doesn't seem to support interlaced mode either. I have to 
investigate if it's a hardware limitation or not.

> it would be so nice to have 50i on the tv - this looks really great
> compared to the ugly deinterlaced-and-whateverprocessed tv-out ...

It would be really great yes! Hope it's possible to get it working.

> regards,
> marcus.

Best regards

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