[Openchrome-users] via Chrome Driver compilation

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Thu Jan 22 06:58:25 PST 2009

Saravanan Doss wrote:
> hi all
> I am running RHEL AS4 with update 6 on my laptop having chrome9 IGP. 
> The kernel version is 2.6.9-67 ELSMP
> When i try to compile the source code it reports xorg-server.pc package not found
> where can i find the package or is there a work around
Imho, forget about the home made compilation. RHEL4 is still running
monolithic X (6.8.2 iirc), which means you'll have to patch X with
openchrome and rebuild everything. This is a lot of pain, I've done it
for years back in the days of unichrome, but I also stopped maintaining
it for year. And openchrome probably doesn't even compile with this
setup anymore. You can possibly take a look at the contributed binary
packages page in the wiki, John Robinson used to rebuild my Fedora
packages on RHEL4, but he probably quit doing that too.

You'd rather update to RHEL5/CentOS5, enable the EPEL repository, then
yum install xorg-x11-drv-openchrome, I'm now maintaining the openchrome
driver in upstream Fedora/EPEL rather than in my own repository.


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