[Openchrome-users] [openChrome] #288: openchrome interferes with PCI-Express

OpenChrome Trac trac
Sat Jul 18 02:03:06 PDT 2009

#288: openchrome interferes with PCI-Express
 Reporter:  ljacob  |        Owner:  jnettlet      
     Type:  defect  |       Status:  closed        
 Priority:  major   |    Component:  initialization
  Version:  trunk   |   Resolution:  fixed         
 Keywords:          |     Blocking:  261           
Blockedby:          |  

Comment(by Zajec):

 stuge: thank you for explaining, I understand your patch, just my hardware
 knowledge is too poor.

 I was sure that '''only''' writing to reserved bits can cause PCI-E
 problem/corruption. I was sure that writing to other bits (even these
 controlling not existing channel) can't cause problem. That's the part
 that sounds weird for me - person, who don't really understand low level
 hardware dependencies.

 If you belive PCI-E corruption is caused because we try to controll not
 existing channel (and that controlling existing second channel should
 work), that's great. Thanks for clarifing.

Ticket URL: <http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/288#comment:45>
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