[Openchrome-users] Fwd: opencrome in Debian 5 on Epia M.

Francesco Bochicchio bieffe62
Mon Mar 23 11:21:15 PDT 2009

2009/3/22 Xavier Bachelot <xavier at bachelot.org>

> John Robinson wrote:
> > On 22/03/2009 14:56, Francesco Bochicchio wrote:
> > [...]
> >> For a while, I suspected CPU
> >> clock-stepping : with stock-kernel, the default was about 650 MHz, while
> >> with my kernel and stepping disabled is fixed at 1 GHz . I thought that
> >> maybe playing a video would require the kernel to increase CPU frequency
> >> and that did not
> >> work because of some weird difference between intel CPU and VIA CPU.
> >>  However, this should happen also with
> >> non-accelerated X driver (even more so), and instead that was fine.
> >
> > Other way round, I think - with the acceleration available, the CPU can
> > drop its frequency during playback, which isn't possible with the
> > non-accelerated driver. I know this used to cause a problem (in that the
> > speed change sometimes locked up when there was a lot of I/O going on)
> > but I thought it had long since been fixed - or maybe the Fedora/CentOS
> > kernels I've used have just had it disabled for all this time.
> >
> I think it was never really fixed and the support is disabled by
> default. Grep for CONFIG_X86_LONGHAUL in your kernel config.
> I can add that this option is one of the differences between the 'faulty'
kernel, which has the option enabled as module, and the 'good' one, which
has it disabled.
However, I'm not sure about this diagnosis: my box is permanently on  and
running a P2P program  which usually uses  between 15% and 40% of  CPU time.
When I play a movie, I don't stop that program, so at least 15% of CPU is
always used. If the failure was due to an attempt to downclock the CPU, it
should occur sometime also without playing a movie, e.g. when the P2P
program run out of sources. It never occurred despite an uptime of days with
the P2P program always running.

Anyway, with the new kernel is now two days without crashes, so I'm happy
whatever the reason :-)

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