[Openchrome-users] #165: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890 [Chrome9] Integrated Video (rev 01) system hangup

oh1kh userforum
Tue Mar 31 12:21:48 PDT 2009

Re: #165: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890 [Chrome9] Integrated Video (rev 01) system hangup
> Use this thread to discuss the [tiki-index.php?page=#165: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890 [Chrome9] Integrated Video (rev 01) system hangup|#165: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890 [Chrome9] Integrated Video (rev 01) system hangup] page.

HI !

I have still similar problems with my Siemens Amilo 1703 altough I just downloaded latest trunk from svn and understood that this issue was solved.

Maybe I can not compile it ok. (?)

Source fetched from svn /trunk does not contain all files (ex. configure, etc) so you cannot compile it directly.
That's what I did (maybe mixed something, please advise)

First downloaded latest stabile source tarball.
Tried to configure / make it and found that I need some devel pacs more.
Afetr installed them, configure went OK.
After that I issued "make" and it also went OK.

Removed whole directory and extracted it from tarball again (clean).
Then copied all files to directory "openchrome" that was generated by "svn co ..."
without overwriting existed files.
That way I got directory with all "configure"-things and latest trunk files (did something stupid?)

After that issued:
make install

All went OK.
 Rebooted system and entered X again.

But still, when exiting from X (logout) desktop is cleaned from all stuff (goes black)
"mains connected" - icon appears to top left corner for a short moment othewise screen is black
except mouse cursor (freezed).
Then  icon disappears but mouse cursor stays (freezed) and the black background starts
slowly "melt" I.E. backlight appears like the black would be snow that smelts away.

System is completely useles, must be swithed off by force.

So this issue is not yet fixed, or otherwise I can not compile/install driver from svn /trunc

Please help!


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