[Openchrome-users] [openChrome] #300: xorg crashes on CN700 (EPIA 12000EN) with openchrome-svn

OpenChrome Trac trac
Sat May 2 01:01:11 PDT 2009

#300: xorg crashes on CN700 (EPIA 12000EN) with openchrome-svn
Reporter:  amv_cbx  |       Owner:  somebody
    Type:  defect   |      Status:  new     
Priority:  major    |   Component:  3d      
 Version:           |    Keywords:          
Blocking:           |   Blockedby:          
 I use svn version and until recently it worked fine. After upgrading to
 latest openchrome trunk xorg crashes 2-3 seconds after startup:

 (II) evaluating device (Mouse0)
 (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Mouse0" (type: MOUSE)
 (II) evaluating device (Keyboard0)
 (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Keyboard0" (type: KEYBOARD)
 (II) Mouse0: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded

 0: X(xorg_backtrace+0x38) [0x812a618]

 Fatal server error:
 Caught signal 11.  Server aborting

 (II) UnloadModule: "mouse"
 (II) UnloadModule: "kbd"
 (II) AIGLX: Suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch
 (II) CHROME(0): [drm] Cleaning up DMA ring-buffer.
 (II) CHROME(0): ViaCursorStore
 (II) CHROME(0): VIARestore
 (II) CHROME(0): VT162xRestore
 (II) CHROME(0): ViaDisablePrimaryFIFO

 My xorg.conf (partially):
 Section "Module"
         Load  "extmod"
         Load  "dbe"
         Load  "record"
         Load  "xtrap"
         Load  "dri"
         Load  "glx"

 Section "Device"
         Option      "EnableAGPDMA"       "true" # [<bool>]
         Option      "AccelMethod"        "EXA"
         Option      "ExaScratchSize"     "8192"
         Option      "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"
         Option      "PciRetry"           "true"
         Identifier  "Card0"
         Driver      "openchrome"
         VendorName  "Unknown Vendor"
         BoardName   "Unknown Board"
         BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"

 Section "Screen"
         Identifier "Screen0"
         Device     "Card0"
         Monitor    "Monitor0"
         DefaultDepth    24
         SubSection "Display"
                 Viewport  0 0
                 Depth     24
                 Modes     "1680x1050"

 Section "dri"
         Mode 0666

 I'm able to lauhch bare xorg (via X command) and it works (shows chess
 field and mouse cursor), but if I lauhch it via startx it dies.

 If I revert back to SVN revision 713, everything works again.

Ticket URL: <http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/300>
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