[Openchrome-users] Driver broken since Rev. 742 for VX800

Pon Jornoh ponjornoh
Tue May 5 10:56:46 PDT 2009

Hi Xavier,

you'll find my config & log attached to this mail.

With the following device-section (got it from Uli Beling) xorg runs fine
with svn trunk:

Section "Device"
        BoardName       "VX800"
        Driver          "openchrome"
        Identifier      "Device[0]"
        Option          "Overlay" "On"
        Option "Accel"   "On"
        #Option "AccelMethod" "exa"
        Option "RenderAccel" " True"
        Option "ExaScratchSize" "32768"
        Option "MaxDRIMem" "65536"
        Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"
        Option    "EnableAGPDMA"    "True"
        Option  "AGPMem" "131072"
        #Option "VBEModes" "True"
        Option "ActiveDevice" "LCD,CRT"

Enabling "exa" makes the X-Server crash after a few seconds (log attached).

But I've got another issue ;) It occurs with my old config and with the new
one. If I switch back to TTY and return to X the whole system freezes. Even
remote access fails. Appending kernel options "nofb nosplash" doesn't help.
Unfortunately there are no new log entries :(

Thanks in advance,
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