[Openchrome-users] screen improperly refreshed when using openchrome driver on Amilo L7300

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Sat May 9 03:52:04 PDT 2009

Dominique Poirier wrote:
> Hello,
> I have just installed Linux Debian 5.0 (Lenny) on an old laptop :
> Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo L7300, 512 Mo RAM (including 64 Mo video), Hard 
> drive 40 Go (14 for linux), Celeron 1.5 Ghz, Graphic chipset VIA PN800.
> The default graphic driver is "openchrome" for this chipset. But the 
> background of the screen is not properly refreshed. Sometimes, the icon
> disappear or there are remaining traces after moving a window.
> The problem has already been detected. See the following pages :
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/linux/+bug/259389
> http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=248822 (This page is in 
> French, but there is a snapshot of screen which shows the problem.)
> This problem is not precisely reproducible. It occurs with KDE, GNOME, 
> LXDE, gdm, kdm...
> But It disappears when using "via" as device driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
> I have downloaded, compiled and installed the last version (903) of 
> 'openchrome" . But this did not solve the problem. Note that I had to 
> install
> x11proto-gl-dev, otherwise the flle glxint.h is not found during 
> compilation.
> Will this problem be fixed in a new version of "openchrome" ? Is there 
> any workaround or configuration (in xorg.conf) to do ?
> Thank you very much for any information.
Please update to svn trunk, this should be fixed.


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