[Openchrome-users] Status of DualHead, randr_branch, ttm_branch

Florian Hühn matercpp
Tue May 12 03:24:08 PDT 2009


I know this question gets asked from time to time but i couldn't find a recent answer:
Whats the current status of DualHead support?

I found some answers claiming DualHead would be/become available in the randr branch, but apparently there was no change in this branch in the last 14 month. Did it already get merged into trunk?

Whats about the ttm branch? It seems to be active and roumers are afoat it could support DualHead. But as far as I understand the ttm branch needs a libdrm with ttm support, which got removed after libdrm version 2.3.1, 10 month ago [1].


PS: I tried to get DualHead working on a CX700M with trunk, but all i got is cloned view and the message "Screen 1 deleted beause of no matching config section". As far as i found out this simply means "DualHead not supported".

[1] http://pkgsrc.se/x11/libdrm entry from 2008-07-16 08:41:17

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