[Openchrome-users] DFP problems on Samsung NC20

Matthieu Herrb matthieu.herrb
Sun May 31 14:17:26 PDT 2009


since revision 742 of the driver (VX800 integrated TMDS support), I get
a black screen on the NC20 if running without and xorg.conf file.
Reverting that revision, or using an xorg.conf file that forces 'Option
"ActiveDevice" "LCD"' fixes the problem.

after looking a bit closer to the code, this option as the effect of
ignoring the BIOS that pretends to support VIA_DEVICE_DFP.

I don't know what the right fix could be, may be a new kind of model
depend quirk table is needed to disable the TDMS support on specific models?

The patch attached, only enables it if the ViaCardId entry for a card
explicitely lists VIA_DEVICE_DFP. I don't know if it's the right
approach or not.
Matthieu Herrb
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