[Openchrome-users] A black screen is all I've been able to achieve. How to go on?

Florian v. Savigny lorian
Sat Oct 17 15:50:04 PDT 2009

Dear Xavier,

yes, my LCD screen's resolution is 1024x768; I set the option you
mentioned. The log files vary slightly (I have pasted the diff below:
the new log file has the additional line 226, and where the old file
has only the single line 244, the new one has the 3 lines 245-247. But
please let me know if you would prefer the new log file as a
whole.). The behaviour is still the same.

I have also pasted the config file below, FWIW.

I'd still be grateful for any further suggestions (have I perhaps
omitted some information?). Many thanks again and best regards,


Here's the diff ('diff OLD-LOGFILE NEW-LOGFILE'
OLD-LOGFILE is the one I posted on the Web):

< (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Sat Oct 17 21:12:17 2009
> (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Sun Oct 18 00:19:14 2009
> (**) CHROME(0): Option "PanelSize" "1024x768"
< (==) CHROME(0): Panel size is not selected from config file.
> (II) CHROME(0): ViaPanelGetNativeModeFromOption
> (**) CHROME(0): Panel mode index is 2
> (**) CHROME(0): Selected Panel Size is 1024x768
< (--) CHROME(0): Frame buffer start: 0xb367a000, free start: 0x753000 end: 0x4000000
> (--) CHROME(0): Frame buffer start: 0xb36ae000, free start: 0x753000 end: 0x4000000
< (--) CHROME(0): Timed   libc YUV420 copy... 5791225. Throughput: 173.7 MiB/s.
< (--) CHROME(0): Timed kernel YUV420 copy... 5794579. Throughput: 173.6 MiB/s.
< (--) CHROME(0): Timed    SSE YUV420 copy... 5903177. Throughput: 170.4 MiB/s.
< (--) CHROME(0): Timed    MMX YUV420 copy... 5914107. Throughput: 170.1 MiB/s.
> (--) CHROME(0): Timed   libc YUV420 copy... 5801176. Throughput: 173.4 MiB/s.
> (--) CHROME(0): Timed kernel YUV420 copy... 5799274. Throughput: 173.5 MiB/s.
> (--) CHROME(0): Timed    SSE YUV420 copy... 5929817. Throughput: 169.7 MiB/s.
> (--) CHROME(0): Timed    MMX YUV420 copy... 5874579. Throughput: 171.2 MiB/s.
< (--) CHROME(0): Timed   MMX2 YUV420 copy... 5926495. Throughput: 169.7 MiB/s.
> (--) CHROME(0): Timed   MMX2 YUV420 copy... 5931858. Throughput: 169.6 MiB/s.
< (--) CHROME(0): Using libc YUV42X copy for video.
> (--) CHROME(0): Using kernel YUV42X copy for video.
< (II) CHROME(0): [drm] unmapping 8192 bytes of SAREA 0xf888b000 at 0xb7b1e000
> (II) CHROME(0): [drm] unmapping 8192 bytes of SAREA 0xf8880000 at 0xb7b52000

This is the config file I used:

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier     "X.org Configured"
	Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
	InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
	InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"
	ModulePath   "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/misc/"
	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/"
	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/OTF"
	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/Type1/"
	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi/"
	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi/"

Section "Module"
	Load  "glx"
	Load  "dri"
	Load  "dbe"
	Load  "extmod"
	Load  "dri2"
	Load  "record"

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Keyboard0"
	Driver      "kbd"

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Mouse0"
	Driver      "mouse"
	Option	    "Protocol" "auto"
	Option	    "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
	Option	    "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "Monitor0"
	VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
	ModelName    "Monitor Model"

Section "Device"
        ### Available Driver options are:-
        ### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
        ### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
        ### [arg]: arg optional
        #Option     "PrintVGARegs"       	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "PrintTVRegs"        	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "I2CScan"            	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "VBEModes"           	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "NoAccel"            	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "AccelMethod"        	# <str>
        #Option     "ExaNoComposite"     	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "ExaScratchSize"     	# <i>
        #Option     "SWCursor"           	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "ShadowFB"           	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "Rotate"             	# [<str>]
        #Option     "VideoRAM"           	# <i>
        #Option     "ActiveDevice"       	# [<str>]
        #Option     "BusWidth"           	# [<str>]
        #Option     "Center"             	# [<bool>]
        Option     "PanelSize"          	"1024x768"
        #Option     "ForcePanel"         	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "TVDotCrawl"         	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "TVDeflicker"        	# <i>
        #Option     "TVType"             	# [<str>]
        #Option     "TVOutput"           	# [<str>]
        #Option     "DisableVQ"          	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "DisableIRQ"         	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "EnableAGPDMA"       	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "NoAGPFor2D"         	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "NoXVDMA"            	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "VbeSaveRestore"     	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "DisableXvBWCheck"   	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "MaxDRIMem"          	# <i>
        #Option     "AGPMem"             	# <i>
	Identifier  "Card0"
	Driver      "openchrome"
	VendorName  "Unknown Vendor"
	BoardName   "Unknown Board"
	BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen0"
	Device     "Card0"
	Monitor    "Monitor0"
	SubSection "Display"
		Viewport   0 0
		Depth     1
	SubSection "Display"
		Viewport   0 0
		Depth     4
	SubSection "Display"
		Viewport   0 0
		Depth     8
	SubSection "Display"
		Viewport   0 0
		Depth     15
	SubSection "Display"
		Viewport   0 0
		Depth     16
	SubSection "Display"
		Viewport   0 0
		Depth     24

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