[Openchrome-users] A black screen is all I've been able to achieve. How to go on?

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Mon Oct 19 06:30:53 PDT 2009

> Dear Xavier,
> thanks very much; this seems to offer a glimmer of hope - I first
> unset the "SetPanelSize" thing and then set
> Option "ModeSwitchMethod" "new"
> The behaviour was the same - a brief flicker followed by blackness -,
> but the log file now contains a good deal of new things; apparently,
> the driver has now been able to successfully query the card for
> various technical data, such as, resolution, dimensions etc.
OK, try the attached patch.

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Name: openchrome-new_modesetting_VM800.patch
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Url : http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/attachments/20091019/e7a2868e/openchrome-new_modesetting_VM800.bin

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