[Openchrome-users] Samsung NC20

Ken Smith kgsmith
Wed Sep 2 22:28:39 PDT 2009

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Uli Beling<hbeling at yahoo.de> wrote:
> Hello all,
> the change in svn 764 is freezing the NC20.
> If you comment out this line in via_mode.c in the source code before
> compiling
> svn 781 works.
> In svn 781 it is line 1623.
> Regards
> Uli

Thanks very much, Uli.  If I back out 764, I can launch X which is a
great start.  If I VT switch to a console and then back to X, my
machine freezes hard.  This is all probably 64-bit related.  When I
had a 32-bit install on my machine, it worked pretty much normally.

If you or any other developers would like my help testing patches, I'm
glad to help.  I subscribe to the openchrome-users list so I'll see
any patches that pertain to the Samsung NC20/VX800 that are posted


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