[Openchrome-users] Extend monitors on Open Chrome

John Robinson john.robinson
Fri Feb 12 03:37:42 PST 2010

On 12/02/2010 11:32, Paulo Henrique wrote:
> After change the xorg.conf i restart the notebook with monitor extern 
> connected, at start the linux the monitor notebook show medistorcid 
> image and the monitor extern OK. Why this happens? Should be disable the 
> monitor notebook and not distorcid image.

Do you mean you got a distorted image on the laptop screen while 
booting, before the X server started, or once you were logged in?

If it's the first, it's not the openchrome driver's fault, but either 
way I don't know what's gone wrong.

Please always cc the list when replying; I've added it back in.



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