[Openchrome-users] Cx700 "no framebuffer heap" & turning off LCD

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Mon May 3 13:31:55 PDT 2010


> 2. It is impossible (eg.    Option "ActiveDevice" "DFP-LCD"
> or    Option "ActiveDevice" "DFP")
>  to switch off internal LCD
> when an external monitor is connected via Hdmi.
> The hdmi output is very well, however openchrome driver
> also is trying to display 1920x1200
> on internal 800x480 LCD.
The attached patch should help.
Also, the ActiveDevice line in your xorg conf must use comma as
separator. Something like :
Option "ActiveDevice" "LCD,DFP"

Actually, I would get rid off of most of the useless options (in your
case) and start with a much simpler conf :
Section "Device"
     Identifier  " Unichrome Pro II Igp"
     Driver      "openchrome"
     Option "ActiveDevice" "LCD,DFP"
     Option "PanelSize" "800x480"

Be aware though that dual screen is currently not implemented and you'll
have to use the same resolution on both output. See

Actually, the easiest is probably to have 2 configurations, one for the
LCD output and another for the DFP output.

-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: openchrome-poweroff_lcd_if_not_active.patch
Type: text/x-patch
Size: 542 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/attachments/20100503/fd8c063e/openchrome-poweroff_lcd_if_not_active.bin

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