[Openchrome-users] [openChrome] #387: Screen offset (few pixels missing on the top of the screen)

OpenChrome Trac trac
Fri Nov 19 12:41:29 PST 2010

#387: Screen offset (few pixels missing on the top of the screen)
Reporter:  blinde   |       Owner:  somebody
    Type:  defect   |      Status:  new     
Priority:  minor    |   Component:  3d      
 Version:  0.2.904  |    Keywords:          
Blocking:           |   Blockedby:          

Comment(by blinde):


 Well, using xvidtune, I manage to get my pixels back.

 X automatically uses
 [    17.798] (--) CHROME(0): Virtual size is 1024x600 (pitch 1024)
 [    17.798] (**) CHROME(0): *Default mode "1024x600": 49.0 MHz (scaled
 from 130429.4 MHz), 37.3 kHz, 60.0 Hz
 [    17.798] (II) CHROME(0): Modeline "1024x600"x60.0   48.96  1024 1064
 1168 1312  600 601 604 622 -hsync +vsync (37.3 kHz)

 whereas I need
 "1024x600"     48.96   1024 1064 1168 1312    600  601  604 ''' 630'''
 -hsync +vsync

 How can I overwrite automatic detection done by X ?
 I tried adding xorg.conf (see attached file) but seems it does not take it
 (maybe error in my xorg.conf)


Ticket URL: <http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/387#comment:5>
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