[Openchrome-users] TV-out (PAL) on VIA CN13000 / Ubuntu 10.04

John j.cass
Wed Sep 1 04:06:43 PDT 2010


Hi -

Anyone got any suggestions on what I can try to get my TV OUT (PAL) 
working on a VIA EPIA CN10000 board?

Does anyone have TV OUT working on this or a similar (CN700 /1625M video 
chips) platform?
If so, could you send me your xorg.conf?  And details of which drivers 
you're using?  What BIOS settings do you use?

Do I need to compile the latest driver (I'm currently using the stock 
openchrome from ubuntu 10.04)

Any help, pointers, suggestions would be really appreciated!

Many Thanks


On 09/08/10 10:15, John wrote:
> Hi -
> Hope someone can help me, I've been trying for weeks but had no success
> getting TV out to work with PAL output on a VIA EPIA CN13000 (CN700
> /1625M video chips).  The system has a basic Ubuntu 10.04 installation.
>   From what Ive read it should be fairly straightforward but Im not
> having any success.
> I can switch the "TVout" on in th BIOS (either NTSC or PAL, either
> composite or S-Video or both) and they work fine in boot up (VIA splash
> screen), BIOS editing screen and text boot up of ubuntu.  So its clear
> the TV out function *can* work and does work with the default video mode
> of VIA and text mode during boot of ubuntu.
> (Note NTSC seems to be only black and white, PAL is colour)
> However, at the point when ubuntu switches to the X server (or the fb
> based text console when booting text only) the TV output briefly flashes
> green and then disappears.
> the text output mode (from fbset) is 640x480-60; fbset wont allow me
> change it to a different mode and there doesnt seem to be a modeset for
> PAL in the /etc/fb.modes file anyway.
> but X is even more worrying in that it often appears to CRASH the
> machine.  I cant ssh in, nothing is coming out, no services seem to
> start (nmap on the machine shows nothing including no reply to ping)
> this is with many combinations of settings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but
> the one I really thought would work was (note: BIOS set to TV-out only,
> PAL, on both comp and S-video)
> ....
> Section "Device"
>           ### Available Driver options are:-
>           ### Values:<i>: integer,<f>: float,<bool>: "True"/"False",
>           ###<string>: "String",<freq>: "<f>  Hz/kHz/MHz"
>           ### [arg]: arg optional
>           #Option     "PrintVGARegs"           # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "PrintTVRegs"            # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "I2CScan"                # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "VBEModes"               # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "NoAccel"                # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "AccelMethod"            #<str>
>           #Option     "ExaNoComposite"         # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "ExaScratchSize"         #<i>
>           #Option     "SWCursor"               # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "ShadowFB"               # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "RotationType"           # [<str>]
>           #Option     "Rotate"                 # [<str>]
>           #Option     "VideoRAM"               #<i>
>           Option     "ActiveDevice" "TV"          # [<str>]
>           #Option     "BusWidth"               # [<str>]
>           #Option     "Center"                 # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "PanelSize"              # [<str>]
>           #Option     "ForcePanel"             # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "TVDotCrawl"             # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "TVDeflicker"            #<i>
>           Option     "TVType" "PAL"                # [<str>]
>           #Option     "TVOutput" "Composite"               # [<str>]
>           #Option     "TVPort"                 # [<str>]
>           #Option     "DisableVQ"              # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "DisableIRQ"             # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "EnableAGPDMA"           # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "NoAGPFor2D"             # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "NoXVDMA"                # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "VbeSaveRestore"         # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "DisableXvBWCheck"       # [<bool>]
>           #Option     "ModeSwitchMethod"       # [<str>]
>           #Option     "MaxDRIMem"              #<i>
>           #Option     "AGPMem"                 #<i>
>       Identifier  "Card0"
>       Driver      "openchrome"
>       VendorName  "VIA Technologies, Inc."
>       BoardName   "CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro]"
>       BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"
> EndSection
> Section "Screen"
>       Identifier "Screen0"
>       Device     "Card0"
>       Monitor    "Monitor0"
>       SubSection "Display"
>           Viewport   0 0
>           Modes    "720x576Noscale"
>           Depth     8
>       EndSubSection
>       SubSection "Display"
>           Viewport   0 0
>           Modes    "720x576Noscale"
>           Depth     15
>       EndSubSection
>       SubSection "Display"
>           Viewport   0 0
>           Modes    "720x576Noscale"
>           Depth     16
>       EndSubSection
>       SubSection "Display"
>           Viewport   0 0
>           Modes    "720x576Noscale"
> #        Modes    "800x600"
> #        Modes    "1024x768"
>           Depth     24
>       EndSubSection
> EndSection
> Any ideas / help would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks
> John

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