[Openchrome-users] Need testing for viewport and hardware scissor fixes (google earth uses it)

Robert Crida rcrida
Tue Jan 25 04:53:34 PST 2011

Hi Miguel

I am writing in connection with the via_scissor.patch that was originally posted in the above thread on openchrome-users. We are currently deploying googleearth onto 70,000 thin clients and found that your patch resolved one of our problems. It does not appear that it ever made it into the MesaLib (we are using MesaLib-7.7.1). Is this something you ever followed up on? Do you have any suggestions for how we get the patch applied to MesaLib so that we don't need to keep patching indefinitely?

Any thoughts would be much appreciated...

Robert Crida
rcrida at clue.co.za

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