[Openchrome-users] #400: Wine crush on Samsung NC20

wzy4545 userforum
Tue Mar 22 20:50:59 PDT 2011

The job security quiz part two
The job security quiz part twoWhen your boss throws a party [url=http://www.starzmart.com/Car-Recorder][b]car camera[/b][/url] and invites everyone in the office except you, what do you do? 
A. Stay home and watch 'I Love Lucy' reruns. 
B. Show up at the party anyway, with a [url=http://www.starzmart.com/Car-Recorder][b]car recorder[/b][/url] really expensive bottle of wine and a briefcase full of small, unmarked bills. 
C. Go over to your bosses house after everyone has left and throw rocks at the windows, shouting obscenities. 
Your boss criticizes [url=http://www.starzmart.com/Security-Car-Camera-1600-1200-SC606.html][b]night vision car camera[/b][/url] your work unjustly; what do you do? starzmart
A. Listen politely, and then apologize. 
B. Blame someone else. 
C. Climb on top of your [url=http://www.starzmart.com/Car-Black-Box-With-High-Resolution-Car-Camera-640-480-SV-MD600.html][b]high resolution car camera[/b][/url] desk, and hold up a piece of paper on which you've written the word "union." 
When the CEO parks his car in your spot, you... 
A. Wash and wax it, then leave your business card under the windshield wiper. 
B. Key it ... then tell the CEO's secretary [url=http://www.starzmart.com/Accident-First-Scene-Car-Camera-With-GPS-Logger-SC1001.html][b]ir car camera[/b][/url] you saw your boss near it, loitering suspiciously. 
C. Key it ... then proudly tell the CEO's secretary that you did it. 


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