[Openchrome-users] VGA output is disable

Filip Dvořák fila
Wed Aug 15 10:23:05 PDT 2012

> Also can you tell me the output of read-edid. It's a command from user
> space.
> Then finally if you are willing to try the via KMS kernel tree? I'm
> curiosity to see if the drm driver will pick up the EDID of the analog
> port.

EDID output:

parse-edid: parse-edid version 2.0.0
parse-edid: EDID checksum passed.

	# EDID version 1 revision 3
Section "Monitor"
	# Block type: 2:0 3:fd
	# Block type: 2:0 3:fc
	Identifier "MYRICA V32-1"
	VendorName "FUS"
	ModelName "MYRICA V32-1"
	# Block type: 2:0 3:fd
	HorizSync 30-64
	VertRefresh 50-75
	# Max dot clock (video bandwidth) 110 MHz
	# Block type: 2:0 3:fc
	# Block type: 2:0 3:ff
	# DPMS capabilities: Active off:no  Suspend:no  Standby:no

	Mode 	"1280x720"	# vfreq 59.855Hz, hfreq 44.772kHz
		DotClock	74.500000
		HTimings	1280 1344 1472 1664
		VTimings	720 723 728 748
	# Block type: 2:0 3:fd
	# Block type: 2:0 3:fc
	# Block type: 2:0 3:ff
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: edid
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 128 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/attachments/20120815/87e51945/edid.obj

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