Re: [Openchrome-users] Can´t get 1920x1200 with 24/16bit, on Samsung 2443 LCD, to work with openchrome on thinstation

Petry Roman, SHS-S IT-TS Roman.Petry
Mon Feb 13 02:09:33 PST 2012

Hello Xavier,
Just tried your new version 0.2.905 but i still have the same issue. 1920x1200 works only with VBEModes set to true. But this is not a real Problem. 

What?s a bigger one is that the client freezes completly if i try to use ICA Citrix Client 12/11 or rdesktop 1.7 Client. It works for 10-20 seconds and than it?s over.
I know you have a lot to do, so could you just response with a short note how i can assist to solve this. 

I just opened a trac ticket so the "bug", if it is one, gets tracked.
Ticket #429

Thanks and bye

-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Xavier Bachelot [mailto:xavier at] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 3. Februar 2012 02:53
An: Petry Roman, SHS-S IT-TS
Cc: openchrome-users at
Betreff: Re: [Openchrome-users] Can?t get 1920x1200 with 24/16bit, on Samsung 2443 LCD, to work with openchrome on thinstation

On 02/01/2012 08:52 PM, Petry Roman, SHS-S IT-TS wrote:
> Hello and first i have to say sorry for the big mail yesterday. Will 
> zip it the next time..
> Today i found an "option" which gets me to my resolution. I had to 
> enable
> 	        Option     "VBEModes"           "true"
> Is there a cause in the which explains why i have to use 
> this ?
That's probably a bug in the code. It would be interesting if you can provide a dump of the registers both with and without the "VBEModes" option. You'll need to use the "PrintVGARegs" option. Please send the xorg log from both run.


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