[Openchrome-users] Mouse pointer problems

Jeff Shrowder shrowder at uniting.com.au
Sat Jul 6 05:01:58 PDT 2013

I've already discussed this problem on 
http://scientificlinuxforum.org/index.php?showtopic=2403 with some helpful 
suggestions. However, we didn't get it fully sorted and one suggestion was to try 
this forum for some further assistance.

My setup (About 9 years old - but it still works very well):
Scientific Linux 6.4
Kernel Linux 2.6.32-358.11.1.el6.i686
GNOME 2.28.2
Memory 1.8GiB
Processor AMD Athlon XP 2800+
North bridge: VIA KM400 with VIA UniChrome 2D/3S graphics core

Recently I dealt with a number of long-neglected security updates to my Scientific 
Linux 6.3 desktop system. On reboot my mouse pointer was a shimmering blob about 
60x60 pixels, the top 60x20 being clear with the occasional fleeting coloured pixels. 
This happened mid last year and it seemed the only way I could remedy the problem 
then was to upgrade from 6.0 to 6.3. So, this time round I did "yum --releasever=6.4 
update". It went some way to solving it but wasn't entirely successful. I got a bit 
further by selecting a different mouse pointer (Preferences > Appearance) but the 
problem still emerges in situations such as hovering over a PDF in Acroread (but not 
Evince) and then only over the document - never the 'window frame' or menu areas

This phenomenon appears with both GNOME and KDE desktop environments.

xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.3.0-3.20120806git.el6.i686 (the latest) is installed.

Any help in overcoming this  problem would be appreciated.

Jeff Shrowder

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