[Openchrome-users] Updating OpenChrome installation page and reclaiming openchrome.org

Mario J. Rugiero mrugiero at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 18:31:09 PDT 2015

I believe you've sent this same email not long ago.
First of all, I might sound rude because I'm really not too good 
expressing myself, so I want to make it clear that I am not angry nor 
annoyed, before there is any possibility that you think I found anything 
offensive on your insistence.
Now, the brief explanation. Xavier usually responds this kind of 
questions, but real life takes time from him, so he might take a few 
days to kick in. Please be patient, I'm sure he'll pay attention to your 
mails and do something about it.
I'd address your concerns if I could, but I can't as I'm not an admin or 
anything the like.


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