[openchrome-users] Possible bug in via_fp_get_modes

Claudio Laurita claudio.laurita at integrazionetotale.it
Sat Apr 18 11:36:22 UTC 2020

Hallo and thank you for your work that's really precious for me.
I'm the maintainer of a Debian based distribution for Italian schools, 
so I've often to try to reuse old machines.

Now I have a problem with an old HP 2133 and I feel that I found its 
source (see the attached diff).

Debian unstable is locked on rev 0.6.0 of your driver.
At that time, you disabled the I2C probing of internal FP.
On HP 2133, the scartch pad index is 9 (1024x768) while the correct 
resolution is 1024x600.

I cloned your git, but every version from 6.119 up (when you 
reintroduced the EDID scan) causes X to fail to start, with:
(EE) AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0
I'm running X Server 1.20.7

In your trace, I noticed
Not using mode "(null)" : vertical sync too wide.
coming from iga1_crtc_mode_fixup

Everything runs  fine, if I connect an external VGA too. Both outputs 
are correctly set.
So I finally arrived at via_fp_get_modes.
If I avoid the call to xf86OutputGetEDIDModes, everything is ok (even if 
X crashes when I stop it).
So I feel that the test on output->MonInfo does not work anymore as you 
I attach the logs before/after the patch.

I hope you could find a better solution.
Thank you in advance

Claudio Laurita
Integrazione Totale sas
Budrio (BO)

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