[OpenFontLibrary] GPL fonts! (Was: Open Font Library submissions)
Nicolas Mailhot
nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Mon Nov 10 08:25:32 PST 2008
Le lundi 10 novembre 2008 à 16:21 +0000, Dave Crossland a écrit :
> 2008/11/10 James Weiner <james at weareculture.com>:
> >>>
> >>> Can you explain why these things are annoying?
> >>
> >> Because it seems a lot of fonts authors do not bother with them, and the
> >> renaming part means that without fontlogs tracing font history is
> >> difficult
> >
> > It seems to me that some sort of parent/child relationship tracking would
> > solve this more elegantly. The only issue being whether the CChost software
> > either supports or could be made to support that.
> ccHost's "remix" feature is basically this.
> But Nicolas M is talking about fonts "out there" in the wild more than
> OFLB fonts, I think.
Yes, I'm talking about the actual OFL fonts we've packaged in the past.
It's very annoying to get an OFL font and not know where it's coming
from or even if it claims reserved names. Some authors just specify
"OFL" as if it was sufficient info.
Nicolas Mailhot
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