[OpenFontLibrary] Sample images
Jan Claeys
lists at janc.be
Tue Apr 14 22:08:35 PDT 2009
Op dinsdag 14-04-2009 om 18:12 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Erik van
> Say 15-20 weeks or 600-800 hours at the low end, at whatever rate you
> want to work for. I know my minimum. Yours might differ on where you
> are in your life, where you live and how many mouths you're feeding.
# I think you still live in .nl, but I don't know your rate... ;)
So, would something like 20000 to 30000 euro be a realistic price for a
*good* quality "latin" text font, including kerning, support for
accented characters, etc.? Or more like 50k or even 100k euro?
Jan Claeys
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