[OpenFontLibrary] Fwd: www-font: WebOTF Proposal

Ben Weiner ben at readingtype.org.uk
Thu Aug 6 13:43:57 PDT 2009

Hi there,

With Nicolas Spalinger's comments about font metadata (13:00 BST today) 
fresh in my mind, I want to ask what the open font community thinks 
about this proposal. As I understand it, this proposal is intended to 
*replace* OTF/TTF font linking. Unlike another proposal, it does not 
allow any kind of backward compatibility with any version of 'EOT', 
Microsoft's system for font linking in Internet Explorer from version 4 

If you need the 'history' of this proposal and others, it is all on the 
w3c's www-font list.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	WebOTF Proposal
Resent-Date: 	Thu, 06 Aug 2009 19:11:33 +0000
Resent-From: 	www-font at w3.org
Date: 	Thu, 6 Aug 2009 15:10:51 -0400
From: 	Tal Leming <tal at typesupply.com>
To: 	www-font <www-font at w3.org>

We, (Jonathan Kew, Erik van Blokland and myself) have combined our ZOT  
and .webfont proposals into a new WebOTF proposal. The full  
specification is attached.

In short:
- The ZOT compression scheme is retained.
- The XML data from the .webfont proposal, in a reduced and refactored  
form, is stored within the WebOTF file.

We are still endorsing the same-origin restrictions and CORS concepts  
that have been discussed. We are still hopeful that browsers will find  
ways to display the meta data stored in the font.

We'd love to know what you think.


Ben Weiner | http://readingtype.org.uk/about/contact.html

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