[OpenFontLibrary] What licenses do we accept?

Nicolas Spalinger nicolas_spalinger at sil.org
Wed Jul 15 07:16:28 PDT 2009

> I believe it should be Public Domain, CC-Zero, OFL, and
> GPLv3-orLater+FE, but I forget if we reached a consensus when this was
> discussed previously.

The consensus we had reached was that we'd focus on font-specific
licenses and limit the library to only:
MIT, OFL and GPLv3+font-exception

we offer a easy to understand spectrum of:

- MIT: attribution-only non-copyleft
	permits:  Distribution, Reproduction, DerivativeWorks
	requires: Attribution, Notice
- OFL: copyleft + community-validated font-specific mechanisms
	permits: Distribution, Reproduction, Embedding, DerivativeWorks
	requires: Attribution, Notice, ShareAlike, DerivativeRenaming,

- GPLv3+font-exception: copyleft + font-source requirements (and still a
bunch of things to be fixed... and more community input)
	permits: Distribution, Reproduction, Embedding, DerivativeWorks
	requires: Attribution, Notice, ShareAlike,
ExtendedSourcesFullRedistribution ... (some requirements may disappear

The troubles with "public domain" (grey areas with the definition and
legit traceability issues for example) have been discussed at length
already and CC combinations are designed for content and not software:

3 models to choose from is already more than enough. Most of the
community has chosen the middle of the spectrum already...
Too many licenses fragment our community.

Nicolas Spalinger, NRSI volunteer
Debian/Ubuntu font teams / OpenFontLibrary

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