[OpenFontLibrary] What licenses do we accept?

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Wed Jul 15 12:53:01 PDT 2009

Le mercredi 15 juillet 2009 à 15:12 -0400, Ed Trager a écrit :

> > - GUST
> *NOT* ADDED.  Are there any GUST fonts in TTF or OTF format?


Though unfortunately they derived GPL ghostscript fonts and slapped
their own license on the result (and seem decided to go on at all costs)

IIRC some other GUST fonts are also released in OpenType format, and
should not be problematic, for example


It's such a pity the GUST guys seem to have no legal sense, their font
work is great

Nicolas Mailhot
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