[OpenFontLibrary] Contribute logos for permissive font licenses on OFLBv2

Robert Martinez mail at mray.de
Thu Jul 30 05:02:45 PDT 2009

Ben Weiner wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been working on the new OFLB listing page and I've got a favour 
> to ask of you.
> We have a logo for the Open Font License. See the 'listing' 
> screen-grab attached. But there are no logos for the other licenses 
> (MIT, OFL and GPLv3+font-exception). It would be great to have these.
> I attach the OFL logo (71w by 20h PNG). Other logos should be the same 
> size overall but obviously there can be empty space in there - the 
> logo does not have to be rectangular.
> First ideas were a GNU head and a glyph for GPLv3 + font exception, 
> and perhaps a dinosaur(brontosaurus?) for MIT. But you will have 
> better suggestions :-)
> Contributions back to this thread please!
> Ben
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


I would appreciate if the licence icon adhere the same style; especially 
the text, but also the image. In order to achieve that i suggest to also 
rework the OFL image.
Because the visitor should instantly recognize the icon as a licence 

Apart from that only a MIT and a GPL version are required - right?
I can work on those icons this evening.


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