[OpenFontLibrary] MIT Logo

Liam R E Quin liam at holoweb.net
Thu Jul 30 08:12:27 PDT 2009

On Thu, 2009-07-30 at 08:33 -0500, Eric Herkert-Oakland wrote:
> I took a swing at it.  I went with your straight forward suggestion
> for time.  Had to make it 10px taller to accomodate the dino.  If that
> doesn't work, let me know.

I'd suggest actually incorporating the oflb logo with a few letters,
e.g. OFL, GDFL, MIT, but the important things should be that
(1) they all share the same graphic element, and
(2) they all use the same text treatment.
Otherwise you get into issues like rules regarding the use of
institutional logos (like the MIT logo), and making sure that
there's no implicit impression that (say) MIT or FSF has
sanctioned a particular font.

I am not sure MIT would like to be associated with a dinosaur.

Really, though, like creative commons, it's a question of what
you can do with the font, not who wrote the licence -
redistribute as-is
embed in other works
give attribution
create derivative designs
commercial use

What's being solved by logos for font licences?


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C, http://www.w3.org/People/Quin/
Pictures from old books: http://fromoldbooks.org/
Ankh: irc.sorcery.net irc.gnome.org www.advogato.org

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