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Joshua A.C. Newman joshua at joshuanewmandesign.com
Thu Jul 30 10:00:27 PDT 2009

The shapes are the secondary indicators.

Most color blind people don't even know they're colorblind. They use  
other indicators — shapes and value, mostly — as indicators and think  
that's what everyone else sees. Note the differences between a Yield  
sign and a Stop sign. The words, the color, and the shape are all  

Making sure that a color/shape combination is consistent is the key.


On Jul 30, 2009, at 12:44 PM, Stefano Tacchi wrote:

> Are you sure these colors are color blind safe? they cannot be
> confusable colors.
> On 7/30/09, Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com> wrote:
>> 2009/7/30 Joshua A.C. Newman <joshua at joshuanewmandesign.com>:
>>> Using colored shapes to differentiate would be much better (e.g.  
>>> iChat's
>>> status markers)
>> Right - red circle for GPL, blue square for OFL, orange triangle  
>> for MIT?
> -- 
> Stefano

Joshua Newman Design

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