[OpenFontLibrary] Objectives of OFLB

Fontfreedom at aol.com Fontfreedom at aol.com
Wed Jun 3 11:02:56 PDT 2009

>IMHO the main objective of OFLB is to teach designers to  license
>clearly their work and teach users to actually check those  licenses.
Alright. The problem with this is: OFLB is becoming biased towards one  
license category, (copyleft / SIL OFL)
The new OFLB desparately needs these sections:
A section dedicated to the proprietary commercial potential for fonts  
derived from fonts licensed as "open source type" fonts. Show people where they  
can sell their derivative fonts, how to setup a business.
Plus a section strongly advising people submitting fonts to openfontlibrary 
 to avoid using "copyleft" licenses, as this might diminish or destroy 
their  potential for future use in proprietary fonts.

Understand these are *minority* opinions. People need choices, and to  
understand their licensing options.

>dafont, myfont, etc would be fine if they actually provided  clear
>licensing and origin info instead of stripping it and putting on  a
>"free" tag that does not mean anything.

I've sent emails to dafont.com about their lumping "Public domain / GNU  
GPL" into one license category. 
No responses from them.

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