[OpenFontLibrary] Hevetice Neue on the OpenFont site

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Tue Jun 23 15:11:01 PDT 2009

2009/6/23 Joshua A.C. Newman <joshua at joshuanewmandesign.com>:
> Crud. It looks like it's time for a redraw.

I'd rather that you looked at Bodoni and made your own, original, low
contrast sans serif based on its skeletal forms, but you do whatever
you think is more fun :-)

> There is a remarkable dearth of text body fonts in there. Surely we can
> harness the power of open source to generate some good body type?

We surely can.

> Maybe we can start with some model characters (oOxXlwWbBAH) and go from
> there?

I suggest starting with a lowercase word that has several vowels and
ascender glyphs, like "adhesion" (as used in
http://www.typedesign.rdg.ac.uk/) or "shoplift" (from Matthew Carter's
spot in The Helvetica Movie) - and I personally started with n o d s a
in that order. Such a word contains the "DNA" for the rest of the

Please consider using the UFO format (since it is supported by both
FontForge and FontLab) and storing your files in a Distributed Version
Control System, like Mercurial.

Max Rabkin made a nice little script for keeping a FontForge font in a
Mercurial repository, if you are using FF.

>  or is this one of those "new guy on the list brings up the same thing we
> keep trying to do like it's a new idea" things?

Nope, there are a couple of collaborative typeface design experiments
currently underway - eg http://klepas.org/openbaskerville/ - but its
still very much a genuinely new idea, and you are most welcome to take
a crack at it :-)

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