[OpenFontLibrary] Props OFLB & dev account request & question
eric at authoritism.net
Mon Mar 2 11:26:57 PST 2009
--props & my perspective--
(as posted on typophile)
You could turn it around. Shouldn’t type designers be interested in
exactly what it is, that makes visual artists, graphic designers and
computer geeks band up to take the actual effort to start developing
new development methods for type design? At the point where we would
band up to ask type designers to give us free fonts, you can still
dismiss us as cheapskates. But the fact that we are taking all this
effort clearly shows that the current produce of the type industry
does not meet our needs.
And I do not think anyone involved in these efforts would state the
superiority or even the relevance of their typographic judgment as
primary factors involved.
So why not be a bit more curious to find out what is driving us?
Ultimately, regardless of your stance in all the ideological
bickering, this seems to be a very real issue among the public, who
are your potential public, and ultimately your revenue stream.
Because with all the OFLB reserves flying around, isn’t it also
obvious to everyone that their new site proves to be a major
accomplishment in these areas? I find the design frankly to be the
single best looking site I have seen in ages. Which is an even more
able accomplishment when you realise they build it around MediaWiki—
really, the blue and white one. They also managed to mash this up with
CCHost, which should be a major technological pain in the -, and there
is some superspiffy Javascript going on with the live glyph previews.
--dev account request--
1. Sign up for openclipart.org (add your blog, blog feed, and join the
mailing list)
2. Make one significant contribution to the community (whether code,
some task, etc)
Well I did something outside of your community which IMHO nevertheless
constitutes a contribution to yours: I took it upon myself to engage
in some social hacking to illuminate the common ground between the
closed and open source type world.
http://typophile.com/node/55128 (where I also posted above props)
Now I have been saying both nice and critical things about the FOSS
type world, but what I think is especially significant that somebody
else than me (Andy J) ended up stating things that IMHO clearly show
the willingness to reason from both perspective:
> Second reaction: If I truly expect the Open Source community to do
> anything for me, I’d better be willing to enter their world a bit,
> if only to speak the same language. In this case that would mean
> bucking up and actually using GIT. Plus, it makes requests much more
> effective.
> - - -
> EDIT: BTW, I wasn’t saying a design spec from the open source
> community is not important. I definitely agree that it is, if any
> useful type is to be developed. I was hoping to diffuse some of the
> US versus THEM mentality by pointing out that similarly, creating
> useful type in a collaborative way would be greatly aided by a spec
> for better tools (which the Open Source community could deliver).
3. email the list with your desired username and htpasswd file which
may be generated here:
-- Question --
I was pleasantly surprised this morning to find Jon’s post about the
SVN accounts, because that should make it a lot more easy to involve
the community in the final efforts prior to the launch.
Now I was thinking, is there any possibility that the site will be
moved over to the new server this week? Because I think the
simultanous events taking place across the globe thursday/friday (not
only Libre Graphics, but also Robothon in The Hague (type & python
scripting; UFO) and Edit in Bordeaux (taking a more conceptual and
academic approach towards developments relevants to FOSS and
publishing etc.) would make for a nice frame to do a code sprint and
highlight OFLB and related initiatives…
I can imagine the thread I linked to can prove as interesting food for
a similar discussion over here. Actually, I think I sort of owe it to
the type designers to also harass you guys with my unsollicited
opinions :-) but IMHO the practicalities should better be fixed first
Later tonight I will try and get on the IRC.
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