[OpenFontLibrary] use of (c) typefaces

Ben Weiner ben at readingtype.org.uk
Fri May 8 07:36:35 PDT 2009


Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe we should have some kind of WhatTheFont client in admin panel to
> check uploaded fonts for being actually (c) typefaces
As Ed Trager says in his reply, Fontaine reads license fields from 
uploaded fonts. Fontaine is an important part of the OFLB not least for 
that reason.

I think that reading the license from the file is a good thing to do. I 
think trying to match outlines is less good. The first is like a tick in 
a box ("Is this font correctly licensed?"). The second is like saying 
"We don't trust you. So we checked up on you! You are bad because our 
algorithm said so!" This reminds me of the surveillance/database state - 
something that is happening very quickly in the UK and makes me unhappy.

So that is an emotionally-coloured answer :-(

What the Font is a great tool though - love it ;-)


Ben Weiner | http://readingtype.org.uk/about/contact.html

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