[OpenFontLibrary] versioning

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Sat May 9 13:42:05 PDT 2009

2009/5/9 Emma Jane Hogbin <emma at hicktech.com>:
> This is very cool. I know that Bazaar and Launchpad are both Python-friendly,
> so I've posted this as a feature request to Bazaar. Mostly it's a reminder to
> myself, but someone else might pick it up as well.
> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/373446


I am excited about the LP publication, because I hope that it will
provide an even better framework for OFLB than ccHost.

> I was completely delighted that this topic came up. One of the projects I want
> to work on in the next year is converting one of my dad's hand written
> "alphabets" into an open source font. I've been putting as much thought into
> the work environment as the actual shape of the letters.

That's great, there is a lot of work to do on making the free software
type design environment really convenient and powerful. Please do post
a note on this list if you blog your thoughts :-)

In your bug you write:

> Knowing virtually nothing about Python development I am going
> to be foolish enough to assume this could be done with a well crafted
> bzr plugin? Could this feature also be added to LP hosted projects?

I have written a REALLY SHITTY python script that does this
"production" tasks for my font, and makes a very shitty kind of
version control. This could probably be remade more sensibly as a BZR
plugin, and a XeTeX document that produces its own test texts.


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