[OpenFontLibrary] versioning

Schrijver eric at authoritism.net
Wed May 13 14:07:02 PDT 2009

Thanks Dave,

Sounds doable,
Here is what I predict will happen:

Because of my male pride I will fiddle around with unix system  
administration technology on my own for quite bit
even though I don’t know or understand anything of it,
But I will feel independent and empowered!

And than at the point where I will really have to admit that it  
doesn’t work out,
I will ask you to explain me some more of it,
and, in effect, help me out :-)


Op 13 mei 2009, om 22:53 heeft Dave Crossland het volgende geschreven:

> 2009/5/13 Schrijver <eric at authoritism.net>:
>> But could I maybe just compile on a local virtual machine and drop  
>> the
>> fontforge folder in my servers usr/local/ folder?
> Yes if they share the same architecture and FF is statically linked
> then this should be fine.

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