[OpenFontLibrary] Typographers' (
Barry Schwartz
chemoelectric at chemoelectric.org
Sun Jun 13 14:31:10 PDT 2010
Schrijver <eric at authoritism.net> skribis:
> I tried it shortly but it wasn’t working out, probably because I
> messed to much with my keyboard settings already: I’ll look into
> it. I don’t have my linux computer with me now though so I can’t
> try—I already miss it, actually :-) My first experience with Linux
> is quite positive I must say.
I tend to be reluctant to make suggestions, since I don't use a binary
Linux distribution. What I currently am running is Gnome 2 without a
Nautilus desktop or Gnome panel, and with Fluxbox as my window
manager. (There is no outward sign of Gnomeness.) I'm not using a
display manager, which is one place keyboard options can be set. I
haven't gotten around to doing anything automatic with the keyboard
and instead just run a script in a terminal as soon as I start up X:
setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us -variant intl
setxkbmap -option compose:rwin,compose:menu
xset r rate 250 30
xset mouse 22/10 1
Repeat rate and mouse settings are of course personal. In Emacs and
wherever necessary I use X Input Methods (Xim), which is losing favor,
but it does what I need, and I have found no comprehensible (to me)
Furthermore I keep the Gnome and/or KDE graphical character chooser
handy, but I can't seem to find one right now. I've been building a
new system and may have neglected to build them yet.
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