[OpenFontLibrary] Commissioned-then-Open Font Model - was: New Ubuntu Fon

Barry Schwartz chemoelectric at chemoelectric.org
Sat Mar 6 13:10:04 PST 2010

Fontfreedom at aol.com skribis:
> For many software authors, yes, they can make more with open source, but  
> for MOST authors of software libraries, that is simply false. Programmers  
> understand that releasing their software libraries as proprietary will make 
> more money in the long run.

The world is in flux, so the only way to be certain about the long
long run (as opposed to the so-called long run, which is really the
medium run) is to wait for it to happen.

I have more sympathy, anyway, for people who make free software for a
living, rather than to hoard more wealth than "software-taskmasters"
do. Most people don't have an urge to hoard wealth; they want to do
what they like best and live comfortably doing it.

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