[OpenFontLibrary] [CREATE] [Fwd: LGM 2010 et Francophonie (OIF)]

Nicolas Spalinger nicolas_spalinger at sil.org
Fri Mar 12 10:20:29 PST 2010

Femke Snelting wrote:
> Hello / Bonjour!
> This week we were contacted by the Institut de la Francophonie numérique
> (IFN/OIF) and they offer support for translation costs EN/FR plus travel
> + lodging for 10 participants in LGM 2010 from countries connected to
> the OIF network.
> It means you could present your project in French without losing your
> Anglophone audience and vice versa ;-) but it is also a great
> opportunity to expand the network of developers involved in LGM

Sounds like an good opportunity for more francophones to benefit from
contributing to the libre graphics community.

Here's one possibility I can think of:
In 2009 I've been in touch with various people living in Vietnam and
interested in working on improving the availability and quality of open
fonts for Vietnamese. Last I heard, the plan was to review and
contribute Vietnamese support to existing open font families but
possibly also to design/commission/release a new open font family made
from scratch and then get the resulting software distributed, included
in the various libre projects throughout Vietnam (liveCDs for example,
office suite bundles, etc) and promoted instead of restricted fonts.

They are based in Hanoi, Vietnam and affiliated to Hanoilug and CNF:

Seems to fit the criteria. What do you think?

I will ping them about this possibility to come to LGM.

Maybe people working with ANLoc could also benefit from the opportunity:

> I roughly translated; see below for more precise criteria in French. It
> is going to be a bit of an administrative hassle to make this work so I
> hope you trust us with drawing up the final list.
> Just to be extra clear: we seem to be doing more or less doing ok with
> finding money for LGM -- those 10 participants coming in through
> Francophonie will not replace anyone that would normally be supported
> for his/her participation in LGM.
> more on practical things (hotels, venue, signing up) after this weekend.
> Femke

Thanks for all the organisation efforts.


Nicolas Spalinger, NRSI volunteer
Debian/Ubuntu font teams / OpenFontLibrary

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